FADA Experts & Groups

In the list below you can see the coordinating and contributing taxonomic experts per organism group, the status of their organism group and a link to the latest published checklist as pdf.

For general questions please contact:

Overall coordination:
Koen Martens, Royal Belgian Institute of natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium

Project manager:

Géraldine Mertens, Royal Belgian Institute of natural Sciences (RBINS), Brussels, Belgium

Database manager:

Astrid Schmidt-Kloiber, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (BOKU-IHG), Vienna, Austria

Technical manager:

Tim Sutton, Kartoza, South Africa


organism group coordinator(s) contributor(s) database status latest checklist
Nematomorpha Schmidt-Rhaesa Andreas   taxalist submitted  




All issues are public and available through Github